Friday, January 24, 2014

Fish, Fennel, Fettuccine, And Another F Word

What our hair looks like after cooking.
Disaster Strikes the Hot Tamollys Kitchen

Seared Scallops 
Fettuccine with Asparagus
Arugula Fennel Salad 

French 75 

Tonights dinner was inspired by a recent trip to Seattle, where the sea food is abundant and fresh, and the fish fly through the air. (When they are tossed around by guys at Pike's Place Market.) We wanted to try making scallops, which we know are incredibly easy to screw up. However, even before making it to the pan, we realized that the scallops weren't going to turn out. Molly 2 was lazy about where she bought the scallops (a grocery store rather than a specialty fish market) and we ended up with scallops that were old and fishy. When you purchase scallops it is important that they be fresh and not smell overly fishy. 

After realizing that the scallops were off the menu, we thought we might as well still make the pasta, which would be very nice with sautéed asparagus and a simple light herbed beurre blanc. We rolled out the pasta and were so excited because we've had so many issues with pasta making in the past, but this time it seemed like the perfect thickness and right type of flour. After cutting the pasta into fettuccine size pieces, we made little piles, but neglected to lightly flour the pasta so when Molly 1 went to put it in the water, it was one big hunk of pasta. It still tasted amazing in the end, but was not what we were hoping for. 

The salad was the only thing that pretty much turned out how it was supposed to. The dressing was a orange vinaigrette and slightly too flat for the Mollys, but over all it was tasty. The fennel especially added a nice crunch and flavor. 

The drink tonight was the same we made the week before, but this time Molly 2 remembered the ginger simple syrup. They tasted great except for the fact that Molly 1 had no ice and the drinks were tepid. Can we ever get it right? 

Dinner was a hot mess and Molly 1's aunt came over which made our F ups even more embarrassing. The flavors turned out well but both of us were disappointed with the outcome. In the future we will be more careful about where we purchase our fish and flouring the pasta so it doesn't stick together. (Fourth times a charm?)

Arugula and Fennel Salad
(one sad link because only one thing worked.)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kitchen Staples

Everything You Oughtta Have In Your Kitchen… Always!

We decided to break our tradition and do an entry about kitchen staples mid week. Molly and Molly have found often times when buying items for the Monday night dinner there are things that we should always have in our kitchens. Not because we want a gourmet kitchen like you see in Iron Chef, or when Martha Stewart goes to her "cupboard" and pulls out twenty year aged pink himalayan salt mined by macaques, but because the two of us do cook other nights of the week. The meals we make are not intricate or involved, but we do tend to use items like rice, pasta, beans, and others. Below is a list we believe you should always have on hand in your kitchen. 

The List:
Spices & Seasoning:
"This is what you should always have Suzy"

  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Herbs De Provance
  • Cayenne
  • Garlic Powder
  • Cumin
  • Soy Sauce
  • Olive Oil
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Oregano
  • Vanilla

Dry Goods:

  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Baking Soda
  • Baking Powder
  • Rice (Brown, Jasmine, Basmati, Risotto, etc.)
  • Pasta
  • Lentils
  • Nuts
  • Oats

Canned Goods:

  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Tomato Paste
  • Stock (Chicken, Beef, Vegetable)

Stuff in the Fridge:

  • Unsalted Butter
  • Eggs
  • Cheese of all kinds (Parmesan, Cheddar, Brie)
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Mayonaise 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly


  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Potatoes
  • Vodka
  • Gin
  • Wine (Red and White)
  • Tonic Water
  • Club Soda
Note that this is just a list and based on what you make your staples may be slightly different. For example when Molly and Molly are not cooking together Molly 1 tends to make a lot of Italian and Mexican food, while Molly 2 tends to make East Asian and South Asian influenced meals.

Friday, January 17, 2014

… And This Little Piggy Went In The Ravioli

Inspiration From A Night Of Frivolity And A Few Too Many Drinks

Pork Ravioli with Butter Herb Sauce
Beet Salad with Frisee and Toasted Almonds
Chocolate Decadence Cake with Raspberry Sauce and Whipped Cream

French 75

Tonights dinner began when we went out shopping, and after many drinks decided to go to this amazing restaurant in Oakland called Boot and Shoe. We ordered a pork ragu, which in our somewhat buzzed minds tasted like heaven in a bowl. The pork was soft and seasoned to perfection and the pasta sauce was simple, light and fresh. We decided the next day or possibly that night (who can remember) to recreate what we had had for our Monday night meal. We, of course, had no recipes for the dinner, we could only guess what the components were. Granted it turned out amazing and the flavors were exceptional, but it was our first time jumping into creating our own recipes and sort of fudging with recipes we were following. 

The main event of the evening was the pork that was in the Ravioli. We decided to do ravioli because we thought it would be easier to fill something? (Another not necessarily thought out brilliant idea.) Molly one spent five hours Sunday night roasting the pork shoulder so we could put it in the ravioli. It took much longer than she thought it was going to take and she fell asleep while it was in the oven, but it still tasted amazing and fell off the bone as it was supposed to. Unfortunately though because she feel asleep she couldn't have it on the nachos she made that night. (tear)

This was the second time we attempted to make pasta. We did not use whole wheat flour because the last time we did, it didn't turn out so well. This time the pasta was made with unbleached flour and would have been great had we cooked it longer. We thought that when ravioli floated to the top it meant it was done, but apparently this rule doesn't apply to thicker homemade pasta. The dough itself still tasted good and we were happy with the outcome.

For the ravioli sauce Molly 1 made it up. A whole stick of unsalted butter combined with white wine, chives and parsley and salt. What could be better? 

The salad was beets with frisee, which looks like sea anemones, but is really lettuce. We toasted some almonds as well and put them on top. Molly 2 under cooked some of the beets though (how hard is it to boil a beet and stick a fork in it?), so they ended up slightly al dente, and even though that works for pasta, it does't necessarily make a good beet. The dressing was a simple vinaigrette that Molly 1 knocked out of the park and everyone loved. 

For dessert Molly 2 made a chocolate decadence cake. It was more like a fudge or a pudding because there were only 2 tablespoons of flour in it to 16 ounces of chocolate and 5 ounces of butter, but it was so good. The center didn't cook all the way through, but we ate the edges, which were so rich and chocolatey. The raspberry sauce was made from fresh raspberries that were macerated and then pressed through a sieve and the whipped cream was a cup of manufacturing cream with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Delicious!

The drink tonight was a French 75. It was named after a gun because it had such a kick. The combo was champagne and gin and lemon juice with sugar. Molly 2 was supposed to bring the ginger simple syrup from the candied ginger she had made the week before, but forgot. (What else is new) They were good, but would have been better with the simple syrup. 

The dinner was fun to make; all the pasta rolling and waiting for the pork to finish. No sarcasm really. The pork we would definitely make again, everything we would make again… of course with some alterations.

Roasted Pork Shoulder
Ravioli Dough
Chocolate Decadence Cake
French 75

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mollys Had A Little Lamb

Dinner is Served.
Packets of Yummy Goodness

Lamb Wrapped in Parchment
Sauteed Swiss Chard
Roasted Red and Yukon Gold Potatoes
Faux Tart with Lemon Ginger Custard

Moscow Mule

We decided to cook with lamb this week because it's a meat we're unfamiliar with. Lamb can be overly gamey which is why we have shied away from it. Molly 1 found this fun and interesting recipe on an app. (Who doesn't like the idea of wrapping and unwrapping things?) In our grand tradition of fuss free recipes, this one fit the bill. The lamb turned out perfectly cooked, although by the time we put it into the oven we were a few Moscow Mules in so we forgot to set the timer. Thankfully we are brilliant estimators and guessed when to take it out, but in the future or if you should choose to make this dish, watch the clock! 
Lamb About to be Wrapped
The side dishes were simple staples that could be paired with almost anything. We've made these sides many times so we don't really follow a recipe anymore. Below are basic recipes for you to follow. We encourage experimentation with different herbs and spices. 

Swiss Chard

  • 2 bunches, washed and cut into half inch pieces
  • 1 medium shallot, thinly sliced
  • handfull of pine nuts or slivered almonds (cheaper)
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
Heat oil in pan over medium heat. Add nuts, shallots and garlic. Sautee until shallots are tender and nuts are nicely toasted. Add chard and cook down. It should be wilted with a little bit of crunch. (Beware of over cooking and ending up with mush.)

Roasted Potatoes

  • 16 medium to small yukon gold and red potatoes quartered
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • a pinch of herbs de provance (enough to lightly dress potatoes)
  • salt and pepper to taste
For this recipe we cooked them at 375 F so we could cook the lamb and potatoes at the same time. However, if cooking alone preheat to 400 to 425 F. Coat the potatoes with olive oil and season with herbs and salt and pepper. Mix well. Throw in the oven for 30 mins and turn half way through. 

How to make a Ginger Snap
The dessert we had tonight was a faux tart with an instant lemon ginger custard. The tart portion of the dessert was the most in depth. It doesn't have to be, but because we wanted to learn how to make candied ginger, which we could then include in the ginger snaps that get crumbled for the tart, we made it complicated. Of course one could easily get ginger snaps at the store and presto, you have your tart, but that's not us. The candied ginger was really easy to make and amazing to watch the fascinating science of baking unfold. After reaching a softball stage,
See the Ginger Snap Bottom!
the sugar water that the ginger is cooking in actually evaporates, leaving just sugar granules. The ginger snaps were quick and the recipe made a ton, which our families and coworkers enjoyed. The custard took maybe a twentieth of the time it took to make the tart part. The reason it is called instant custard is because you actually add lemon juice to cream and sugar to make it set rather than adding eggs. The end result was a light creamy zingy bite. A perfect finish to a hearty meal. 

The drink for tonight was a Moscow Mule. We wanted a little variation in our lives even though we still love cosmos. Molly 1 made them super strong, but we couldn't tell because after the first one it doesn't matter what's in your cup. 

The dinner was a huge success. We're even considering cooking this for a dinner party that we are catering later this month.

Lamb Chops in Paper with Fennel 
Faux Tart with Instant Lemon Ginger Custard
Candied Ginger
Ginger Snaps
Moscow Mule